FURYU Corporation TENITOL Sagiri Izumi

FURYU Corporation TENITOL Sagiri Izumi

$68.99 CAD Release Date: 2023-05-01
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    Welcome to the enchanting world of Eromanga Sensei, where creativity and imagination know no bounds! Immerse yourself in the captivating universe of this anime as we present to you our delightful collection of Figures and Model Kits. Meet the main characters, Masamune Izumi, a talented light novel author, and his mysterious younger sister, Sagiri Izumi, a talented illustrator known as Eromanga Sensei. Witness their heartwarming sibling bond and their journey to overcome obstacles together. With our meticulously crafted figures and model kits, you can bring these beloved characters to life and create your own adventures in the magical realm of Eromanga Sensei. Let your imagination soar and join us on this joyous anime-filled adventure!